13 November 2024
Jacopo Scoz, Letizia Fazi and Luca Luppino gave an account of our archaeology and wellbeing programme ArcheologicaMente at the conference “Dalla Mappa al GIS” held at Roma Tre University. They framed ArcheologicaMente within the landscape archaeological research carried out by the Uomini e Cose a Vignale project on the hill of the castle in September 2024.
Presentation at the conference “Dalla Mappa al GIS: sistemi insediativi, analisi spaziali e saperi locali. Percorsi e prospettive interdisciplinari della ricerca partecipata”, held in Rome, Università degli Studi Roma Tre.
The presentation highlighted that outreach activities do not stand alone. They are part of, and can contribute to, more complex projects. In the case of this presentation, the ArcheologicaMente programme inspired the research carried out on the hill of Vignale Castle.